Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The last few days have been a little hetic. I picked up Missy at LAX late Sunday night ...why is it that the 405 can be backed up all 7 lanes at 10 at night? It must just be an LA thing. We got up early Monday and went and took a 101 RV class to become more familiar with Beverly and her many features LOL. We headed out after that and arrived in Pleasanton in the evening. Melissa ran off to have dinner with her father and I tried to get some things organized in the RV. Melissa had a doctor appointment and a hair appointment Tuesday morning in Pleasanton so I went along and spent the morning walking downtown with Tye.

I remember now why I always loved growing up in Pleasanton. It is such a pretty little town. I looked over when passing Deans Dinner and could picture Papa sitting there in for window booth with the Mayor and what they used to call the town councel having their morning meeting over breakfast just like they did every morning for many many years.

I had to go into the Tack Room to pick up another lead since I forgot Tyes in the RV. As soon as I walked in I could smell the tack leather mixed with the saddle soap. Wow did memories come flooding back at that time. Still the same lady working behind the counter and everything in the same places that they were located when I used to go in as a child.

When Missy was done with her hair (she is blond again) we packed up and headed to Vacaville to see my mom. So that brings us to this morning ... We are going to spend the day with Mom at the Nursing home then will start the real trip which begins in Lake Tahoe. I will post pictures once we set up camp there.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Today is/was my last day with Virgin Mobile and I am feeling really good about getting a start to this trip.

The 1st task at hand is to finish getting Beverly ready. She is still at the shop/spa getting last minute adjustments and updates. Once I pick her up I will be doing some work to the inside because she is a bit dated and I don't think I can spend the next 6 months or so in the 80s. Fake wood paneling and Mauve colors are not my style. That should fill the next 10 days. Melissa arrives at LAX on the 23rd from Hawaii and we will take off shortly thereafter.

We are starting the trip in Lake Tahoe staying at the lovely Zephyr Cove Campgrounds where we will spend about 10 days kayaking on the Lake and down the Truckee River. Then to Vegas where Crystal will join the trip, Grand Canyon, Lake Powell are included.

We will then head to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone for a few weeks of kayaking and hiking, then back to the bay area to see Mom.

The next part of the trip will be to travel from the bay area to Seattle across the boarder into Canada. I am thinking about two-three weeks in BC then through the Yukon to Alaska.

We hope to spend a few weeks with C&G in Alaska then will make the trip back down to Mexico following the coast the entire route.

All of this is only tentative.... Beverly and money needs to hold up LOL

players in this adventure

I couldnt get the pic of the dogs to turn.... I am learning as we go. In order of pics but not in order of who I love the most(Melissa always says I have more pics of the dogs than I do of her) Dogs - Bordie, Kaylee, Tye. Next pic is Crystal then Melissa. Cant wait to get us together.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hey Bloggers, we take off from Bakersfield on the 24th. I will have this up and going in the next few days!!!! K